Assignment #3

  (80 points)

  1. Read Chapter #3 "Structured Query Language".

  2. Answer 25 Review Questions at the end of the chapter. Your answers must include the page number(s) of where the topic is introduced in the textbook. To provide you an example, I have answered the first question in the link above.

  3. Create a database and query the database as shown in the video Structured Query Language (CC). Pages 222-251 provide details and screen captures on how to use the "Query Design" command button. Your database must contain two tables "CUSTOMER" and "CONTACT" that have been created and populated with data. (MS Excel data). A 1:N relationship should be created between the CUSTOMER and the CONTACT table. Enter your first and last name as one of the customers.

    You will then query your database to retrieve: all customers, all customers from Oklahoma, all customers from Tulsa, all contacts via a phone, and all contacts created since January 1, 2024. Copy the SQL code generated by MS Access and paste these statements at the end of your "Chapter3 Review Questions" into the following areas. Save your database as "assignment3.aacdb".

    1. SQL code to retrieve All Customers in the “CUSTOMER” table.
    2. SQL code to retrieve all customers from “Oklahoma” in the “CUSTOMER” table.
    3. SQL code to retrieve all customers from “Tulsa” in the “CUSTOMER” table.
    4. SQL code created to retrieve all “phone” contacts using a “JOIN” operation with the “CUSTOMER” and “CONTACT” table.
    5. SQL code created to retrieve all contacts created since January 1, 2024 using a “JOIN” operation with the “CUSTOMER” and “CONTACT” table.

  4. Upload both files to YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE.   Help

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
1. Answered the Review Questions at the end of the chapter. (2 points each) 50 0 25 0 __/50
2. Created a MS Access file similar to the file created in the video that meets the requirements listed above. Copied and pasted the SQL into the document listed above. 30 0 15 30 __/30
Total points __/80