Assignment #8
(20 points)

  1. Watch the video Task Automation.

  2. Complete either "Option A" or "Option B" below:

    Option A: (Preferred)
    Write out all the VBA and Powershell code presented in this video. Save your work as "assignment8". Then convince me that your code works by testing it on a few files. You can either test the VBA code or the Powershell code or both.

    Option B:
    Write out all the VBA and Powershell code presented in this video. Briefly comment what each line does. Save your work as "assignment8".

    PowerShell code:

    Note: MS Excel and (I believe PowerShell) is installed on all NSU computers. PowerShell is free software that can be installed on Windows, Linus, or MacOS.

  3. Upload your work (and any supporting files) to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
Option A: Wrote out all the VBA and PowerShell code presented in the video. Then tested your code on a few files to make sure it works. 20 0 10 20 __/20
Option B: Wrote out all the VBA and PowerShell code presented in the video. Then briefly described what each line does. 20 0 10 20 __/20
Total points __/20