Assignment #2
(20 points)

  1. Watch the video JavaScript Calculator and continue reading up about JavaScript. View a screen capture of the Javascript code used to complete this assignment.

  2. Create a working JavaScript Grade Calculator similar to the one developed in the video. However, unlike the video, allow the user to enter values for three exams as shown in the image below. Save your work as "assignment2-js.html" Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

  3. Watch the video PHP Calculator and continue reading up on PHP. View a screen capture of the PHP code used to complete this assignment.

  4. Create a working PHP Grade Calculator similar to the one developed in the video. However, unlike the video, allow the user to enter values for three exams as shown in the image below. Save your work as "assignment2-php.php" Upload this file to your YOUR-CLASS-WEBSITE. Help.

    Optionally: Personally, I would recommend placing both applications that you create for this assignment into a folder / directory called "assignment2".

Grading Rubric
Required Elements Points Possible Does not meet requirements Meets some requirements Meets or exceeds all requirements Your Score
Effectively created a JavaScript grade calculator that allows the user to enter 3 exam scores. The application then computes the: average, status, and grade. 10 0 5 10 __/10
Effectively created a PHP grade calculator that allows the user to enter 3 exam scores. The application then computes the: average, status, and grade. 10 0 5 10 __/10
Total points __/20